Tuesday, 29 October 2013

• “Two Rooms with Baked Beans” is the title of my next “Letter from NY” broadcast on Siren FM Radio

It’s a rumination on my grandchildren’s new bedrooms & my hopes & apprehensions for them still years away from having to deal with a world that has increasingly less thought for fairy princesses & pirate race car drivers.
It springs from an essay I read recently written by a very wise & talented writer who shares my admiration for the problem-solving powers of baked beans.
The broadcast is this coming Wed. 30th Oct. at approx. 5.30pm UK time on http://www.sirenonline.co.uk/section/shows/midweek-drive   or,if that time is inconvenient, you can download it on  http://www.southsidebroadcasting.podbean.com/.     Please listen in , I think you’ll enjoy it.  And your feedback is much appreciated.
As always, my “Letter” is one segment of a truly engaging & informative show hosted weekly by that also truly engaging & informative raconteur, Alex Lewzcuk.

As an added incentive for your listenership, here’s the recipe for the baked beans that sparked the essay I read written by Robert Olmstead & handed down by his mother.
1lb. navy beans
Smoked pork or smoked bacon (as a vegetarian, may I suggest that you’ll do a pig & yourself a big favour by substituting any one of the many “smoked” products now on the market made from soy)
½ cup sugar
½ cup molasses
Salt & pepper if wanted.
Soak the beans overnight to soften.  In a heavy pot, cover beans with water, add sugar, molasses & any seasoning.  This goes into the oven at 400 degrees f. (200 C) for about 3 hours.  You may have to add water now & then to make sure the beans are always covered by an inch or so.

I haven’t yet tried Mrs. Olmstead’s take on this classic, so if you make a batch let me know how it turned out !

As always, cheers & please be kind to the animals.

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